Monday, 29 June 2009

Formula Tower

At digital matters, Tobias Wallisser from LAVA presented his Superformula Tower concept. Inspired by this beautiful idea, I created a grasshopper definition for towers based on a simpler formula.

The floor plate shapes are based on this formula:

r(φ) = 1 - a(1 + Sin(φ b))

Thursday, 11 June 2009


Inspiered by the work of Gramazio & Kohler, I plugged together a grasshopper definition, that generates a perforated brick wall from planar curves. Similiar studies in wood have been made recently at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard

(c) by Gramanzio & Kohler

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Balmond's Sigma Code

The Search for the Sigma Code has a dense plot and relies on another imaginary narrator (not a monk this time, but) a boy called Enjil. If you have ever wondered why any prime number is greater than three will, when raised to the sixth power, leave a remainder of one when divided by nine, you will be at home with this book. -- Vanessa Thorpe, The Independent On Sunday - 13 September 1998

You get the sigma code of a given number n like this:
1. Calculate the sum s of all digits of n.
2. If s is smaller then 10, s is the sigma value.
3. Else set n=s and return to 1.
With this definition it is possible to calculate the sigma values of number sequences. The result of some simple sequences are beautiful patterns:

This diagrams you obtain from the Fibonacci and the Pell sequence by using (and modifing) the following script: