Sunday 7 November 2010

PQ Mesh Design: Morpharchitecture Workshop - Lyon 2010

The gh definition presented here has been used for the design of a shell structure build from sheet material at Les Grandes Ateliers, Lyon, by architecture students of Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de montpellier and the TU Delft.

The pq design tool ensured the planarity of the quadrilateral faces, that allowed the fabrication of the shell from flat sheet material.

Photo by Robert Vierlinger.


  1. Hello Lorenz, I am now referring to your script as my design tool. Sorry for the carelessness, the post was mainly intended to host pictures.
    Rgds Robert

  2. Hi Robert, thanks, thats fine. And great work, by the way. Best, Lorenz.

  3. fantastic gents. fantastic.

  4. how were the panels connected to one another?

  5. I was built up from tiles of expanded polystyrene with the edges cut in their respective angles and held together by simple adesive tape. In the end it featured a nice buckling failure caused by imposed support displacement.
    See more here
