Showing posts with label python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label python. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Discrete Textiles

Inspired by the work of Elisa Strozyk, I wrote a script, that imposes a specific length to all edges of a given mesh. For triangulated input meshes, this results in equilateral triangles as faces. Download the python script for Rhino here.

The final geometry is a discrete representation of a crumpled developable surface, if the mesh is consisting only of nodes with the valence of six and of triangular faces. More digitally crumpled surfaces by Tamahiro Tachi on flickr.
A crumpled mesh torus.

Friday, 24 June 2011

OpenStreetMap for Rhino

Using rhino.python, a script has been written, that imports a static map from OpenStreetMap as background bitmap to Rhino, based on an address and zoom level entered by the user. In a first step, the geographical location of the address is identified using the Nominatim API. The location coordinates are used as input parameter for the MapOf service. Finally, the map image obtained from the web service is placed as background bitmap, in the right scale according to the zoom level.

Additionally, an appropriate EarthAnchorPoint is set based on the geographical location and scale. This allows for the export of geometry in relation to the imported static map to Google Earth using the KML format. The units of the Rhino file are automatically changed to meters, in order to obtain the right scale of the map.

Download the script here.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Rhumblr - Blogging from Rhino to Tumblr

Document your design process online with on click!

I used Rhino.Python to write a script, that posts the current view to your Tumblr account. A service in Tumblr automatically sends your posts to Twitter, if enabled. The script uses the Tumblr API.

Download and installation instructions here.