Friday 31 July 2009

Physico-Logical Design Workshop

Toni Kotnik and Lorenz Lachauer will lead a design studio at the AA Summer dLab 2009, 3 - 14 August. In the workshop the process of abstraction of physical phenomena will be exemplified by an investigation into patterns of movement of bodies in space and the architectural utilization of these patterns by means of parametric and geometric variation.

A motion sequence by Eadweard Muybridge

The movement of a drummers hand performing a single stroke

Sunday 19 July 2009

Read Colors From File

The RGB chanels ploted as surface

The input image

This VB script component reads the RGB values from a jpeg file
Download the grasshopper definition here

Monday 13 July 2009

Chemnitz Stadion

Winning competition entry for the Chemnitz Stadion, Germany, 1995, Peter Kulka with Cecil Balmond

The roof structure is based on a spirograph curve, sketches by Cecil Balmond, from his book "Informal", p. 159 generates spirograph curves with grasshopper

Monday 6 July 2009

Busan Towers

This project is the competion entry of UNStudio for the World Business Centre in Busan, South Korea, 2006. The geometry of the floor plates is based on rolling curves.
Pictures (c) by UNStudio

Rolling curves are also known as spirograph curves.