Tuesday 29 May 2012

Ai Weiwei in Zurich

Since last Friday Ai Weiwei's marble sculpture Sofa in White (2011) is exibited on Paradeplatz, Zurich, Switzerland, as part of the Art And The City project.

WhiteSofa1 WhiteSofa2

It seems not to be very comfortable though ... WhiteSofa4

Monday 14 May 2012


Chris Precht, master student at TU Vienna and founder of prechteck combined a GH definition I developed for modelling paperstrip geometries with the principle of ZipShape, developed by Christoph Schindler, to model these beautiful prototypes, as part of his thesis: IMG_0644 IMG_0644 IMG_0644 Images (c) by Chris Precht.

Thursday 10 May 2012

RhinoVAULT Beta released!

The BLOCK Research Group is pleased to announce the pre-release of rhinoVAULT Beta V0.2! The current version is now freely available for download. The Rhinoceros® Plug-In emerged from current research on structural form finding based on the Thrust-Network-Approach to intuitively create and explore compression-only structures.

”The resistant virtues of the structure that we seek depend on their form; it is through their form that they are stable, not because of an awkward accumulation of material. There is nothing more noble and elegant from an intellectual viewpoint than this: to resist through form.” - Eladio Dieste, 1996

Matthias Rippmann
Lorenz Lachauer
Philippe Block

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Tamedia Headquarters by Shigeru Ban

IMG_0644 Yesterday I took pictures of the construction site of the Tamedia office building in Zurich, Switzerland, designed by Shigeru Ban. This webcam shows the construction site, it is located here.

The pictures below show the assembly of a standing frame element, five story high, in front of the already existing structure. This frame is later shifted to the position of the next frame axis in plan. Watch an animation of the construction sequence here.

IMG_0642 IMG_0635 IMG_0637 IMG_0630

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Discrete Textiles

Inspired by the work of Elisa Strozyk, I wrote a script, that imposes a specific length to all edges of a given mesh. For triangulated input meshes, this results in equilateral triangles as faces. Download the python script for Rhino here.

The final geometry is a discrete representation of a crumpled developable surface, if the mesh is consisting only of nodes with the valence of six and of triangular faces. More digitally crumpled surfaces by Tamahiro Tachi on flickr.
A crumpled mesh torus.